Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a passive practice involving variations of seated and supine poses held for 3-5 minutes each. A variation of props may be used to help encourage the body to fully relax and release. It is a calming and meditative practice that accesses and stretches deep layers of connective tissue in the body helping to increase flexibility of the joints and muscles. It helps cultivate a deep inward focus of peace and tranquility through focus on the breath, and is designed to help you sit more comfortably, whether in meditation, work, or any other time. It is open to all skill levels and wonderful for those with chronic injuries. Yin yoga is a great accompaniment for balancing active, power types of yoga, running, weight-lifting, or other active exercise. After a yin session you may well feel as if you've just gotten a deep, relaxing massage.

Fridays 5:00 PM

60 minute class
All levels
Meet your instructor!

“In the midst of movement and chaos, find the stillness inside.”


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