KYM Asana

This class is based on the Krishnamacharya lineage focusing on pranayama and asana. Every class is uniquely based on a pinnacle pose. Although physically challenging, it emphasizes the utmost importance of linking breath to movement and raising spiritual empowerment. Practiced in a lightly heated, climate-controlled environment, this class focuses on opening the shoulders, hips and spine as well as strengthening core and upper body. This class is energizing and fun and appeals to anyone who appreciates a healthy sweat.

Lightly heated
Fridays 9:00 AM & Rotating Saturdays 8:00 AM

60 minute class
All levels
Meet your instructor!

“​Amazing, Simply Amazing!!! Best class on the face of the planet. If you haven’t done
Shoshana’s Krishnamacharya Yoga Class you are missing out on fantastic benefits.”


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